The World’s First Driving Dog (VIDEO)

The World’s First Driving Dog. Two New Zealand rescue dogs didn’t melt under the pressure of live TV and successfully passed their driving test on Monday, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

After two months of training, the dogs were strapped into modified cars and headed down a racetrack in what has been described as a world-first.

“It’s all the dog doing it,” trainer Mark Vette said. “He’s started the key, put the paw on the brake to allow it to go into gear, put it into drive, paw on the steering wheel, accelerator on, and off he goes down the track.”

The cars have handles fitted on the steering wheels and dashboard-height brakes as well as accelerator pedals and a speed limiter to make sure the car doesn’t go above a walking pace.

The New Zealand Herald reports that Porter, a 10 month old bearded collie cross, and Monty, an 18-month-old giant schnauzer, were taught to drive in order to show that shelter dogs are intelligent and highly capable canines who make great pets.

The two dogs were joined in their doggy driving class by 1 year old beardie whippet cross Ginny, but she did not take a driving test on live TV. Auckland SPCA CEO Christine Kalin said Ginny received less interest from potential adoptees, likely because she didn’t get as much air time.

“We’ve had people offer to adopt Monty and Porter,” Kalin said. “We’ve had less interest in Ginny so she’s the one we’d really love not to have in the shelter too long.”

All three dogs became Internet sensations last week when footage of the motor mutts surfaced.

On the video below you can see this driving dog in action.

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