Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw Into A Beautiful Smile

Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw Into A Beautiful Smile.

Duchess is a gorgeous cat that knows she is well loved. She had a rough start to life, but things are now looking good. Duchess was found as a stray after she’d been hit by a car. Her jaw had been knocked crooked. When Duchess was brought in to a vet, the veterinarian, Dr. Meyer, believed in the cat and worked to repair her jaw.

She didn’t have a very high chance of surviving, but amazingly she pulled through.

When Crystal Tate first met Duchess her mouth was only just beginning to heal, and she was terribly emaciated.

Crystal was attracted by the love and hope that shown through the young cat’s eyes. Every day Crystal came to see Duchess. She pet the cat and talked to her.

The doctor’s eventually asked Crystal if she would be able to bring Duchess home, and Crystal knew right away that she wanted to create a home for Duchess.

Crystal had to put in lots of work to take care of Duchess, who had many special needs after her accident and operation, but the two worked together and couldn’t be happier.

Now Duchess has grown up entirely.

Crystal says that she’s incredibly proud of the cat who’s gone from having only a 20% chance of survival to living fully and happily.

Crystal and Duchess are incredibly happy together. Chance brought them together, but it seems like were made for each other.

Crystal is looking forward to spending many more years with her wonderful cat and very special friend Duchess.


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