What Your Dog Really Feels About YOU?

What your dog really feels about YOU? The best man’s friend is very skilled when emotions are concerned. They like to give us our dogs really unconditional?

Dogs protect us, transport, water and love. And all he asks in return is food, shelter, exercise and attention. Sometimes require a little patience when you do not want to stop barking or when walking when they notice something very interesting in the bushes.

Dogs enrich our lives and feel happy we just wagging his tail and jumping enthusiastically on us. As if to say, ‘Thank you for coming back home!’ To very happy dog takes so little effort to be compared with that almost all other relationships in our lives make such incredibly hard work.

But how to know exactly what the dog feels? Huffington Post has prepared a brief guide for dog emotions:

1. Once you do something wrong, they expect punishment

You know that moment when you come into the house, and your dog did something he should not have? (Rolled garbage ate waterfall or torn teddy bears feet).

You will immediately notice that your dog keeps his head down as often interpret as guilt. But actually it is not about that but about the expectation of punishment. The dog knows that you yell at him. Dog may find that you are angry and not use their position of authority to help pass the message that you need to calm down. You are downcast and face turned towards the floor, and all they do to avoid penalty.

2. Can be jealous

If you have more than one dog, surely you saw this: pay attention only to one dog, while you another licks his hand and trying to climb into your lap. Studies have shown that dogs can really feel jealousy.

Dogs are manifested most jealous if their owner pays more attention to another dog, but a person or object.

3. Dogs can recognize human emotions

Dogs are naturally equipped to be able to recognize our emotions. In one Italian study, which was attended by hundreds of dogs and their owners, the dogs were observed for their owners to seek help and get it or are grossly denied. After that, the vast majority of dogs ignored the food you offered them a person who did not assist their owner.

Dogs are also very good at reading of tiny changes in human emotions that manifest themselves only a small change in tone of voice or facial expressions.

4. Dogs probably do not recognize your face over video chat

If long time away from home and your dog for a long time which is why I really suffered, you might even think of leaving the apartment is on Skype or something like that to you your dog could see and feels better. Well, does your dog you do you? The answer is: maybe.

Dogs recognize people by smell and rarely rely on eyesight or hearing in identifying people. One study confirmed that in the dog’s brain activates one particular part when looking at pictures of faces, but not confirmed to have been able to identify the man only on that basis.

5. They love unconditionally

When people saw the person who love, in their brain, increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone that plays a significant role in connecting.

A Japanese study found that the same thing happens and with dogs and that they prefer to be with us as much as we like to be with them. Dogs just crave cuddling, care and contact, almost more than the food or throwing balls.