Cocker Spaniel Puppy Tries To Jump On The Chair. But Watch What The Cat Does With Her Paws… (VIDEO)

Cocker Spaniel Puppy Tries To Jump On The Chair. But Watch What The Cat Does With Her Paws…

Cats and dogs have a long reputation of being enemies with each other.

No one knows how this started or why, but recent stories have proved these animosities to be untrue.

This cocker spaniel puppy and kitten couldn’t be better friends, as the video reveals them playing together.

Beaux and Barney respectively paw and playfully gnaw at each other, just to get on each other’s nerves.

But it’s all in good fun, and no one’s planning on stepping in to stop this adorable show any time soon.

Both of their tails are swishing happily that they get to spend the day with their best bud, and we’re lucky enough to be treated to this display of friendship and put the old myths to rest.

So the next time you’re in an argument over whether cats or dogs are better, show them this video to show that there’s no reason to take sides.

Share away, people!


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