Stunning beauty of a frozen Arctic wilderness revealed in amazing photographs.
The images have been chosen from a short-list of more than 60 as part of the Antarctic Photography Exhibition 2016.
These BRRR-illiant photographs show the stunning beauty of the Earth’s frozen Antarctic wilderness.
All of these incredible images have been chosen from a short-list of more than 60 as part of the Antarctic Photography Exhibition 2016 at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
As well as icebergs and frozen landscapes the pictures also encompass the rich wildlife of the South Pole with amazing sightings of characterful penguins, hunting killer whales and basking leopard seals.
Bizarrely some of the images provoke a sense of fun with a photograph by Wressel entitled ‘The Meeting’ which shows two researchers dressed in red meeting two inquisitive emperor penguins.
Penguins again offer humour in a picture by Becker taken on Macquarie Island (about halfway between New Zealand and Antartica) where a group of king penguins can be seen marching off like a group of friends going for a night out.
In other pictures the drama of the hunt has been captured with an amazing picture by Chad Carey entitled ‘Orca Antarctica’ which shows a massive whale poking its head out of the water next to an iceberg which is acting as a life-saving refuge for a seal and two fairly distressed penguins.
Man’s battle to survive and explore the barren expanse of ice is also recorded with a picture by Fleming entitled ‘Aurora Basin Camp’ which shows a field of tents being enveloped by the snow and ice.

Australian Antarctic Festival director Paul Cullen said there were submissions from around the world as well as entries from people currently working in Antarctica.
He said: “The quality of all the entries received was superb with image subjects ranging from seascapes to wildlife, human exploration and the eerie loneliness of these remote regions.
“Chairman of judges and honorary Antarctic Ambassador, Sir Guy Green, Director of the Salamanca Arts Centre Rosemary Miller and professional photographer Rob Oates, went through the difficult process of reducing 67 wonderful entries to the 24 finalists that will be exhibited.
“The selected images will now be professionally printed by art photography master printers ICC Imagetec in Hobart, and then mounted and displayed in the Bond Store at the Museum.
“The final judging will take place in time for the announcement of the winners of the $5,000 first prize and the $2,000 second prize on Sunday 11 September.

“The idea that everything is white is just not so. In fact, it’s a brilliantly colourful place, full of strange light effects, vivid animals and the mysterious blue glow of deep ice.
“The challenge is to keep your fingers working in the cold, tuck your batteries somewhere warm inside your clothing and be ready when that magical instant occurs.
“That might be a killer whale surfacing, an ice cliff collapsing or a skua attacking a penguin chick from the sky.”
Members of the public are encouraged to visit the exhibition and vote in the People’s Choice Award, which offers $500 (280GBP) for the most admired image.
The Antarctic Photographic Exhibition will be on display at the Bond Store, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery from 2 to 18 September from 10 am to 4 pm daily, except Mondays.

Admission to the exhibition is free, as part of the inaugural Australian Antarctic Festival.
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