They Are So Happy When It’s Snowing (VIDEO)

They Are So Happy When They Discovered Snow Especially When It’s Snowing!

Unfortunately, the snow brings with it some potential dangers. We invite you therefore to keep an eye on your pets:

How to protect paws and fur when it’s snowing?

In winter the most vulnerable are the paw that besides the cold threatening salt sprinkled roads, but also chemicals such as antifreeze. The best way to protect pets so that they after each walk wash and dry the same.

If you notice that your dog is walking through the snow begins to limp, the reason most often balls of snow that stick to the hair from the underside of the paws.

Limping can prevent the removal of snow and / or cutting the hair. Fur and body dogs who do not have dense thick hair best way to protect the jackets for dogs.


Can they do dogs eat snow?

The answer is no, but we are not sure that there is no way to prevent it from doing so (other than putting muzzles). Eating snow will usually cause less severe diarrhea that prevents putting a dog on a diet and / or administration of activated charcoal, which you can buy at a pharmacy for people.

If you find that the dog after eating snow behaves strangely take him to the vet.

The dangers for cats!

All danger for dogs and cats threaten. However, the most common winter hazard for cats are cars, under whose ‘hood’ cats seek refuge from the cold. Therefore, before starting the car knock on the hood. The noise should scare the cat.

Boost nutrition.

Pets, especially dogs and cats that go for walks during the winter spent more energy. Turn up their meals and make sure that the containers still have water because the snow that ‘e a t’ is not a substitute for water.