They Place A New Toy In Front Of Their Yorkie. When It Squeaks? (VIDEO)

They Place A New Toy In Front Of Their Yorkie. When It Squeaks?

Let’s just imagine that they put a giant toy in front of you and all of a sudden, it squeaks! What would your reaction be like? You’ll be stunned, scared and freaked out, isn’t it?

Well the same goes for this tiny adorable and super fluffy Yorkie pup. The tiny pup was minding her business on the couch by watching at the ball seated right across her.

She was wondering why it was staring back, when suddenly… it squeaked! Can you imagine the kind of excitement the pup must have experienced to hear something so magical out of something so magical?

The two month old fur ball didn’t know how to control her excitement so she went completely nuts over the squeaky ball prancing and dancing around like a little pony!

This is cute isn’t it? I absolutely love the way she reacts to the squeaks from the ball! It must’ve been an exciting day for her! Share away, people!


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