This Is The Most Expensive Aquarium Fish In The World! (VIDEO)
This is the most expensive aquarium fish in the world!
Depending on the color patterns are available in a few hundred dollars, but the platinum / albino specimens are so rare that they can not have just anyone.
Taking into account the cost of equipment necessary for their conduct, as well as prices attractive aquarium fish for the aquarium is often said that this is an expensive hobby.
So expensive that in the world there are people ready for an aquarium fish provide a staggering 300,000 US dollars. At least, in an interview with National Geographic claims Emily Voigt, author of “The Dragon Behind the Glass,” in which he described all the secrets related to the Asian Arowana, also known as “fish dragons’.
So much for the extremely rare species platinum / albino Asian arowana aquarium at the fair, which in 2007 held in Singapore offered an unnamed buyer, who allegedly left without fish because the owner refused his offer.
Why are platinum / albino Arowana so expensive?
In general, the arowana are status symbols that are believed to whoever owns them bring luck and prosperity.
Depending on the color patterns are available in a few hundred dollars, but the platinum / albino specimens like this in the video are so rare that they can not have just anyone, even if it is ready to offer a dizzying amounts.
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