Elephant Races Into Water When She Sees The Little Trunk Of A Drowning Calf (VIDEO)

Elephant Races Into Water When She Sees The Little Trunk Of A Drowning Calf.

As a general rule, elephants love water! They enjoy bathing in it, using their trunks to clean their bodies, and just wallowing in bodies of water.

But some bodies of water are more dangerous than others, and strong river currents can get in the way of the fun!

That happened to Yindee, a young baby elephant at Elephant Nature Park who became separated from his herd when the water moved too quickly and swept him away.

Luckily, his nanny, fellow elephant Ponsawan noticed his struggle and rushed to save him.

Using all her strength, she pushed Yindee against the rushing waters with all her might.

Her selfless love really saved him!

With hard work, perseverance, and each other’s support, Ponsawan managed to get Yindee and herself back to their herd, and so, back to safety.

What an incredible story! Elephants are such intelligent, loyal, amazing creatures. Don’t forget to like and share!

Source: http://www.heroviral.com/baby-elephant-rescue/

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