Vet Clinic Saves Cross-Eyed Cat Abandoned On Doorstep, Cat Returns The Favor

Vet Clinic Saves Cross-eyed Cat Abandoned on Doorstep, Cat Returns the Favor.

Alf the cat runs a vet clinic in New South Wales, Australia and has been helping his human co-workers to care for their furry patients since October, 2014. Before he came into the veterinarian world, he was just a tiny abandoned kitten, looking for love and a home.

Alf was 2 weeks old when they found him abandoned in a box on the clinic’s doorstep along with his two siblings. The staff at the Ryde Veterinary Clinic took him in and one of the nurses began to hand rear him around the clock. It saved his life.

Sadly his siblings didn’t share the same luck. Little Аlf was a fighter and his will to live kept him getting better and stronger every day. When it was time for adoption, nothing came through.

As Аlf waited for his forever home, it became apparent that every one at the clinic had fallen in love with the little mischievous ball of energy and simply couldn’t part with him.

So now Alf has a permanent home at the clinic.

Аlf the kitten at a bit over 8 weeks old.Photo: Ryde Veterinary Clinic.

This kitty has a personality that is as fascinating as those adorable eyes of his.

Alf the kitten at a bit over 8 weeks old.Photo: Ryde Veterinary Clinic

Every morning Аlf waits at the front desk and greets furry patients and their humans as soon as they come in.

He may scan them with his slightly off vision to make sure every one checks in. Alf never misses a patient under his watch.

Sometimes he tries to play the vet or give the veterinarians constructive advice as he understands animals probably more any humans do.

Аlf supervises the staff at the lab.

One of the staff had a new baby the other day, Alf congratulated her the way he knew how.

It’s balloon day!

When Аlf concentrates on his job, he really gets focused.

Alf loves his home and all the humans in his life.

He’s forgotten that he was once abandoned. Now he’s loved by many and life is good for the little cross-eyed wonder cat.
