How This Cat Helps A Little Girl With Autism Live Her Life To The Fullest

How This Cat Helps A Little Girl With Autism Live Her Life To The Fullest.

This is a story of a 5 year old autistic, yet extremely talented girl called Iris Grace and her therapeutic cat called Thula. Iris may be autistic, but she paints like a professional thanks to her furry helper!

Thula, a Maine Coon, is one year old and this breed is known to be gentle and intelligent. Thula keeps Iris calm and encourages her to be more social.

No matter what Iris is doing, Thula will always be there with her.

According to Iris’ mother, her daughter has become much calmer, she’s more social and Thula made a huge difference in her daughter’s life.

Before Thula, Iris would hate bath times, but after Thula, things changed drastically!

Not only is the little child more active in the morning and participates in activities.

Iris is an amazing painter!

In fact, Iris’ family were told not to get a therapy animals, but after research, they decided to get one.

They were looking to get a horse or a dog, but Iris didn’t want a horse.

Then they got a dog for Iris, but that only upset her more as the dog kept on wagging his tail and licking.


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