8 Effective Ways to Remove Plaque in Five Minutes (VIDEO)
8 Effective Ways to Remove Plaque in Five Minutes.
A perfect smile is considered to be one of the most attractive features a person can have.
Unfortunately, there are many things that can harm your teeth, such as smoking, too much caffeine, and irregular dental care.
These seemingly innocent daily habits can actually cause problems such as dental plaque.
You may think: “Why would I waste my time on getting rid of the plaque on my teeth? It doesn’t bother me.” But, in fact, it’s a must if you want your teeth to be healthy.
The thing is the process of plaque removal will help you to prevent cavities that otherwise may damage your teeth.
Baking soda is perfectly fit for prying tough tartar off of your enamel. It’s a bit abrasive though, so don’t overdo!
One more way to make your teeth shine is to add enough hydrogen peroxide to 1 teaspoon of baking soda to get a homogenous paste.
People have known about Aloe Vera health benefits for many years. However, its miraculous properties spread to the area of oral care as well. In particular, you can use it as a very powerful natural toothpaste.
After you eat an orange, don’t throw away the peel! Rub it onto your teeth — it’s an easy way to clean your teeth enamel.
Teeny-tiny sesame seeds can work as a pretty cool dental scrub. They will remove the plaque and even tartar gently and carefully, not damaging the teeth.
Mashing up fruits and veggies containing vitamin C is a quick and easy way to create a plaque-preventing paste mask for your teeth.

One of the ingredients in white vinegar is acetic acid. This acid prevents demineralization of the tooth enamel and the plaque accumulation.
People have been using ground cloves to relieve toothaches for many decades. But it has an ability to destroy microbes in the mouth as well. Yes, exactly those microbes that cause the plaque!
Rosemary essential oil will act as a disinfectant getting rid of the bacteria in your mouth. It prevents cavities and the buildup of the plaque and eliminates bad breath.
Eat more cheese. Cheese helps to produce alkaline saliva, and it, in turn, creates a layer of protection around the teeth and neutralizes plaque acid.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXHTeG17Yag&t=1s
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