13 Unusual Facts About Females That Are Totally True (VIDEO)

13 Unusual Facts About Females That Are Totally True.

What do we know about women and girls? All of those books on how to understand women have nothing about the biological and social facts of the fairer side of humanity.

Bright Side looked far and wide to find some pretty awesome and controversial facts about ladies — and here is what we got.

Women seeing on average 20% more differences in colors and shapes.

Alcohol is even more dangerous for women as they are more prone to liver disease like hepatitis (an inflammation of the liver) and are more likely to die from liver cirrhosis (a chronic disease).

Various studies have shown that a woman is more attractive the more fertile she looks, so women who have given birth, grown into a very feminine body, or do not use birth control are way more attractive to men.

It comes down to women licking off or eating with food about 4 lb of lipstick in their life. That translates to 533.76 lipsticks.

The anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that weighs options when making a decision, is larger in women than in men.

A lot of men in long-term relationships are getting bigger, and that might be the doing of their women. They go into a “taking care” mode that results in feeding their partner excessively (with the intention of having a strong “warrior” by their side).

Society and media have been pressing women for centuries to hold themselves to a certain standard.

The heightened sense of smell helped our ancestors to survive and, as women were mainly gatherers, helped them to pick the right foods for the family.

The female brain is 9% smaller than its male counterpart.

Women over the years have patented: disposable diapers, paper bags, nonreflective glass, the foot-pedal trash can, the dishwasher, and many other innovations.

Heels were brought into women’s fashion to mimic the men who wore heels as a sign of their masculinity and status.

Women are better at reading faces, gestures, and voice tones, which makes them superior conversationalists and social leaders.

Sometimes the life duration differences between men and women can be up to a decade, but on average it is at least 2–3 years all over the world.

Even with all that we know about fair ladies, there’s still a ton of mysteries to be unraveled. Which ones are your favorite?

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B_a7VOeKuI&t=209s

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